Lead Remediation

Alliance Environmental Group

Hazardous material abatement, asbestos, PCB, lead paint removal, interior demo, and mold remediation. AGC member since 2000.
Phone: (253) 548-1011
Toll Free: (800) 551-3280
Fax: (253) 536-8488
16214 - 57th Ave. E, Ste. A
Puyallup, WA  98375

Dickson Company

Asbestos removal, building and bridge demolition, underground tank removal, permitted inert waste sites, gravel pits, utility, and road construction. AGC member since 1946.
Phone: (253) 472-4489
Fax: (253) 472-4521
3315 S Pine St.
Tacoma, WA  98409
Randy Asahara
General Manager
Jason Roosa
Sr. Estimator


Small business that self-performs demolition, abatement and sawcutting in the Pacific NW. We have been in business since 2002 and work for GC, Owners, and the Government. MBE/DBE/King County SCS, SBA HUBZone/SDB. AGC member since 2021.


Phone: (360) 699-4015
Mailing Address
2112 E 26th St.
Vancouver, WA  98661

NorthStar CG, LP

Full-service Industrial & Commercial Demolition | Environmental Remediation & Abatement | Emergency Response | C&D Debris Hauling/Recycling |Saw cutting | Nuclear Decommissioning. AGC Member Since 1992
Asbestos Abatement, Asbestos Assessment, Asbestos Remediation, Chain Concrete Wall Sawing, Clearing and Grubbing, Comingled, Concrete Cutting, Concrete Cutting and Boring, Rentals/Sales - Containers, Contaminated Site Material Removal, Contractors/Asbestos, Contractors/Environmental, Demolition and Structure Moving, Earth Moving, Embankments, Environmental Assessment, Excavation and Fill, Excavation and Handling of Contaminated Material, Facility Remediation, Flat Concrete Sawing, Geomembrane Waste Containment, Hand Concrete Wall Sawing, Handling of Lighting Ballasts and Lamps Containing PCBs and Mercury, Hazardous Material Assessment, Lead Remediation, Maintenance of Facility Remediation, Maintenance of Site Remediation, Maintenance of Underground Storage Tank Removal, Mold Remediation, Mold Remediation Preparation and Containment, Physical Decontamination, Plastics, Polychlorinate Biphenyl Remediation, Precautions for Mold Remediation, Recycling, Remediation Soil Stabilization, Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Containing Materials, Removal and Disposal of Asbestos Contaminated Soils, Removal and Disposal of Contaminated Soils, Removal and Disposal of Materials with Mold, Removal and Disposal of Organically Contaminated Soils, Removal and Disposal of Polychlorinate Biphenyl Contaminated Soils, Removal and Disposal of Polychlorinate Biphenyls, Removal and Salvage of Construction Materials, Removal and Salvage of Historic Construction Materials, Scrap Metal, Site Containment, Site Remediation, Soil Mixing Stabilization, Soil Stabilization, Soil Treatment, Soil Vapor Extraction, Structure Demolition, Surface Cleaning Decontamination, Surface Removal Decontamination, Track Mounted Concrete Wall Sawing, Transportation and Disposal of Hazardous Materials, Underground Storage Tank Removal, Waste Containment, Water Decontamination, Wire Concrete Wall Sawing, Wood
Phone: (425) 881-0623
Mailing Address
8160 - 304th Ave. SE
Issaquah, WA  98027
Jeremiah Cope
Business Development Manager
ReNu Recycling Services (C&D Debris Hauling/Recycling)
8160 304th Avenue SE
Issaquah, WA  98027
Phone: (877) 444-0623

Solutionz, Inc.

Demolition. AGC member since 2019.
Phone: (360) 793-9401
Street Address
154 Village Court, Ste. 9
Monroe, WA  98290
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 1447
Sultan, WA  98294