Members by Contact

Saladino, Peter

Sanchez, Jenn

Director of Operations
Concentra Urgent Care

Santos, April

Santucci, Catherine

Scarsella, Bob

Scarsella, Don

Scarsella, Gino

Scarsella, Jessica

Scarsella, Nick

Scarsella, Rick

Schall, Ryan

Director of Sales
Concentra Urgent Care

Schirman, Ken

Branch Manager - Tacoma
Triad Machinery

Schmidt, Byron

Schmidt, Mike

Schmidt, Tim

Vice President - Producer, Property & Casualty
Woodruff Sawyer & Co.
Cell: (425) 876-9816

Schubert, Timothy

Schubert, Victoria

Schuh, Mike

Schultz, Brett

Schumacher, Al

Schumacher, Joshua

Schwiesow, Mark

Schwiesow, Michael

Scoccolo, Mark

Scott, Maude

Scott, Stephen

Seelye, Scott

Seghetti, Robert

Service, Bids or

Severy, Tyler

Sales Manager
D.P. Nicoli, Inc.

Sevigny, Richard

Sevigny, Shannon

Sexton, Jim

Shanholtzer, Mark

Sharp, Rocky

Sheard, Tom

Shepard, Randy

Shersty, Ken

Shinnick, Lane

Region Manager
Goodfellow Bros. LLC

Shiroyama, PE, Richard

Project Controls Manager
Office: (206) 383-8782

Shuler, Brad

Singer, Brian

BP, Operations, Eastern Region
Lydig Construction, Inc.

Sitz, Larry A.

Skalbania, Richard

Skladany, Nick

Sales Manager
D.P. Nicoli, Inc.

Slazinik, Laurel

Sleight, Scott

Smith, Gary

Smith, Harry

Smith, Scott

Smith, Todd

Smith, PE, Roger

Snorsky, Paul

Soderquist, Karen

Metal Division Manager
Petrochem Insulation, Inc.
Cell: (360) 907-3753

Soeters, Russell

Sorensen, Erik

Sorensen, Jay

Sproule, Chad

Stanton, Mac

Steever, Cole

Steinhauer, Gregory

Stephens, Peter

Sternoff, Ryan

Stevens, Dan

Stevenson, Paul

Product Support Rep - NW Washington
Triad Machinery

Stodola, Geoff

Stoner, PE, Jim

Office: (206) 396-5121

Strauss, Doug

Streuli, Jason

Summers, Scott

Swanson, Dave

Swanson, Tristan

Swartz, Larry

Swihart, Roy

Swiryn, Kevin

Swisher, Hailey